Serius….stranger ‘gak usah baca ini, gue lagi gila pas nulis ini…hehe, buah kenarsisan Mayang
When you wish upon a star Makes no difference who you are Anything your heart desires will come to you If your heart is in your dreams No regrets is too extreme When you wish upon a star as dreamers do Fate is kind, she brings to those who love The sweet fulfillment of, their secret longing Like a bolt out of the blue Fate steps in and sees it through When you wish upon a star Your dreams comes true
Someday when we are wiser When the world’s older When we have learned I pray someday we may yet live To live and let live Someday life will be fairer Need will be rarer And greed will not pay God speed this bright millennium On it’s way let it come someday Someday our fight will be won then We’ll stand in the sun then That bright afternoon till then On days when the sun is gone We’ll hang on And we’ll wish upon the moon There are somedays dark and bitter Seems we haven’t got a prayer But a prayer for someday better Is the one thing we all share Wish upon the moon One day someday soon
Besok the GackyKachzky gals mo’ pergi ke Blok M dlm rangka merayakan hari ultah gue ‘n indah. Gue lagi bingung nih. Ikut OSIS apa ‘gak yah. Masalahnya angkatan gue yang ikut tuh Cuma 9 organ gitu. Dari 80 coba, separonya ajah ‘gak ada. Tapi kalo misalkan gue ikut…gue cape’ banget. Gimana dong!
Ya udah gue pikirin lagi.
Dream the sweetest dream Wish upon the brightest star Hope for days will come Carpediem And the world is in my hand
19112002 (dengan sedikit edit karena terlalu panjang)
Life is a mystery. Big one. That’s what I’ve learnt so far. You can never predict what will come tomorrow. Or wherever your road leads. Only God knows why, when God say ‘it’ than it will be ‘it’ and nothing else.
…I know a different part of the world when I start high school. Here’s what:
- Pertama kalinya gue ikut orientasi krn waktu SMP gue gak ikut really change my point of view. Oh iya LDK juga.
- Pertama kalinya gue ikut OSIS dg OSIS gue involve in so many things. In social way. Gue ikut seminar2, bantuin korban banjir, bagiin daging kurban ke Serang, dll
- I have friends that I know where I stand with them around and doesn’t make me lose myself when they’re not around
- Gue bisa ketawa walaupun ulangan gue merah. Entah kenapa rasanya it’s something usual. Walaupun gue kecewa tapi gue mikir I can fix it, I still have a chance
- Gue punya guru piano yang jago abis. Gue gito loh..(yups sebelum tagline ini populer penulis sudah mulai menggunakannya)UNBELIEVEBLE
- Pertama kalinya gue pergi keluar kotabener2 tanpa pengawasan siapapun, dan apa pun yg kita lakukan hanya dari kita, oleh kita, dan untuk kita
- Gue jaga ticket box Felicity
- Buka puasa bareng
- Gue nonton konser musik klasik seumur2 baru sekali itu gue nonton konser musik klasik
- 16112002 Anak IPA cabut bareng sekelas
Kesimpulan : bagaikan teori kebutuhan Maslow, sebelum mencapai aktualisasi diri (whatever that is) semua orang butuh kelompok sosial, di mana mereka tahu where they belong to, butuh testimony akan citra diri, kemampuan diri, identitas diri…and so on.
Gue matahin thermometer raksa pas praktikum. Udah kaya wonder woman. Pake tangan kosong, tanpa suara lagi. Aslab juga bingung ngeliat thermometer bisa patah. Aneh-aneh aja ya. Mo’ ketawa tapi tuh thermometer harganya mahal. Tapi lucu juga gitu loh orang2 juga bingung tadi ngapain gue ke tempat PJP. Ada apa gerangan….?
Maybe I am a daydream believer. But what is life without knowing what you aim. Without hoping for something new. It will flow just as it goes. Maybe what I want is just too much. Yet it’s better than not wanting at all. When there are possibilities, no matter how slight it is. Then there is a chance for a dream to come true. You’ll never know when you haven’t even tried yet.
I have a story. Kmaren ka’ Reynold cerita. Dulu Pa’ Alex Paat pernah bilang. Ada dua macam org. yaitu org yg berbakat dan tdk berbakat. Tapi kata Ka’ Reynold, dia gak setuju dg pendapat kaya’ gitu. Kata dia orang bisa berbakat karena diasah dan ada fasilitas. Jadi semua murid yang dia ajar adalah orang berbakat. Dia bilang di rumah dia punya piano makanya dia les. Trus bisa b’diri di depan jadi guru teori. Kalo dia ‘gak punya piano, mungkin aja dia b’diri di depan kita semua tapi jadi nawarin sumbangan misalnya. I think from this day on, I’m going to start believing in those things. Everybody has a talent, as long as they try to bring the talent. Wah gue jadi makin semangat les niy. Wahaha sukur2 pas gue lulus boleh ke PKg. kan asik berat. Keep on dreaming and trying. ‘coz someday it might come true.
-Pretty in Pink-
31122003 “World’s Greatest”
I am a mountain, I am a tall tree I am a swift wind sweepin’ the country I am a river down in the valley I am a vision and I can see clearly If anybody asks you who I am Just stand up tall look ‘em in the face and say I’m that cloud up in the sky I’m that mountain peak up high Hey I made it I’m the world’s greatest And I’m that little bit of hope When my back against the rope I can feel it I’m the world’s greatest I am a giant I am an eagle I am a lion down in the jungle I am the marching band I am the people I am a helping hand I am a hero If anybody ask you who I am Just stand up tall Look ‘em the face and say You know the ring of life will reign love And the world will notice a king Where there is darkness I’ll shine a light And builds up a sensual fact in me
-Peter Pan- (yang film bukan yang suka nyanyi ‘tak bisakah kau menungguku….’)
Don’t rush
You’ve got all the roads in front of you
It’s a long way to find
A place called home
Like a flower we bloom
And as a flower it is
We bloom in our own way
And when the time comes
Everything will fall into the right places
Do rush
On kindness, love, care
And all the good deeds
You can think of
For we’ll never know
It’s time to go to a place called home
Don’t weep, don’t cry
It’s just a fate you can’t deny
Kesimpulan : mengintip dari balik pagar dan keluar dari kotak adalah dua hal yang berbeda. Buat beradaptasi beberapa pintu harus dibuka dan beberapa benteng perlu dibangun. Soalnya walaupun mau bersosialisasi dengan baik (sosialisasi = kunci adaptasi) lo masih punya ‘daerah rahasia’ yang harus dipertahankan. Yup…it’s a nastier world out there. Bermimpi agar setidaknya punya tujuan dalam menjalankan segala aktivitas. Karena ternyata apa yang dilakukan semakin menuntut tanggung jawab, kedisiplinan, energi, dan pengorbanan. And dreaming is the only reason why the effort worth it..
originally posted on February 4, 2006
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